My Teardrop Clam

Wow! No fair posting that the same day I post my crocea! Just kidding :) - beautiful pattern. Green and gold, very classy looking clam.
Teardrop Clams.

Teardrop Clams.

Flame Angel -- Did not mean to still the THUNDER away from you. Thanks for the comments.

Peterlin98 & RonN- So far I've had luck with Teardrop Clams. This is actually my second Teardrop. My smaller Teardrop has been with me for more than a year now. I've had this one for about 10 weeks now.

I'll keep everybody updated.:)
I'm curious. Is it really all teardrops that have a disease problem? Do all teardrops come from the same area?
I Think it has something to do with the collecting method. My other Teardrop came from Solomon Island and this one came from Fiji.
I was wondering what the difference is between a regular max and a teardrop. i have a maxima that looks very similar to yours( only the color is not nearly as good as yours).
Color is not the factor. Teardrop has something to do with the Pattern. I've even heard some people call them Leopard pattern. Teardrop comes in different colors as well.
We need a close up of the mantle! I saw a photo of a teardrop in Mr. Neutrons gallery & it is awesome. I also saw some teardrop maximas at the LFS today - $399.00 ---- :eek: ouch!
I'd love to have one but their pricing starts at $175.00
Hey Marte!

Is there any way you can get some pics of the other clams in your system as well?? You need to show people how amazing your clam collection is :) I am gaining on you...LOL ;)
I really do believe it is a collecting method also. There are some regions whered they are simply ripped from the reef. If they are carfully removed, and the byssal attachment is not destroyed they should be ok.

Just gotta love clams!

srfmon said:
Just curious but what's the clam count on you guys? I'm at 6.....right now. Maybe more if I can find a gigas or a hippopus.
Holeinone - I checked your site. No images of the clams listed above. Does that mean - they are not in stock or don't stock.
srfmon said:
Holeinone - I checked your site. No images of the clams listed above. Does that mean - they are not in stock or don't stock.

I am not sure what you mean here. What clams, in my avatar?

Sorry, guess I should have been more clear. This has nothing to do with your avatar (although it is pretty cool). I was looking at your website & I clicked on the gigas link. There is no picture of a gigas. Does that mean that you are out of stock.