My visit to a LFS


New member
Visited Deep Reef, bag idea, each time I stop by I find something I can't resist. Today I got a Venusta Angel but dream about the ones I left behind.

Deep Reef is on Flagler & 57 Ave. Its on the corner of a gas station, definately one of the smallest stores if not the smallest. But has tanks over tanks just filled w exotic, beautiful fish. Ask for Carlos, I already placed an order for him to get me the Tonga Coral Beauty! Gorgeous fish!!
Lulio, Wow! awesome find, I have never seen one of those angels, I read they are very rare and as reef safe as it gets.
I am going to take a trip to this store one of this days. Good luck with that little guy.
Thank you guys, I am going to really put some time into acclimating and introducing this one. The key to this store is the suppliers, a big percentage of the fish comes straight from the collectors.








LMAO....Lulio, were you able to hide these fishes past your wife?
OMG, I could have imagined her face when she saw all these fishes.
Awesome looking fishes!!!
What is that purple fish?
Venustus Angels aren't rare, but they are very hard to keep. I've had one that I had eating frozen mysis and Spectrum pellets but after about 2 months got really skinny, got ich and lymnasistus(spelling) and died. I've tried them 3 times now sadly all with bad luck. They are a cave fish known for hanging upsidedown under the rocks, and do better in lower light. Now I have a Multibanded angel which is the only other type in the Paracentropyge family(they have gone back and forth between paracentropyge and centropyge). I've had it over a month now and its doing good but the only thing it will eat is cycopese. Pablo the creator of Spectrum foods had 3 of them in one of his systems and when I emailed him about getting them to eat, he said the best way is to start off with live foods and work from there. Good luck with it! Keep us posted
I only bought the Venusta but took some pictures because I saw the shipment arrive as the store was closing the day before, however I purchased six fish in the last five weeks my wife tell me that in order to avoid temptation just stop passing by.
LOL yes they do have red sea-its been a while since I've seen red sea fish around.

Looks like hawaii also (goldflake) hopefully there's a market for those critters since they can be very expensive although from my visit i realized that his pricing is very very very good.


This highly prized angelfish is yellow with a purple "saddle" on the back and dorsal fin and a purple band on the top of the head. It can be difficult to keep and is usually quite finicky with feeding. Odds of success may be greatly increased if kept only with completely peaceful, non-boisterous fishes, and in reef tanks containing live rock. Odds of them doing well in a fish only tank with bold feeders are slim; this fish needs a *very* mellow environment. A cave dweller in nature, it should be provided with caves and overhangs, and should housed with no remotely aggressive fishes. Live rock will facilitate acclimation. Keep only one specimen per tank.
Thank you Bret61081, I set up some caves on a 20 gallon attached to my main system were I can monitor and target feed without the stress of the other fish and lights.
This picture gives you an idea of the size of the Annularis I posted before, those are medium size yellow and purple tangs.
Wow gorgeous fish!!! Haven't been to this store yet but it's right next to my wife's grandparents house. Good news for me, bad for my wife!!! hehe
Lou....The store is right next to a gas station. So everytime you go to take your wife to her grandparents house, make sure you are running on an almost empty gas tank.... **hint/hint** :)