Venustus Angels aren't rare, but they are very hard to keep. I've had one that I had eating frozen mysis and Spectrum pellets but after about 2 months got really skinny, got ich and lymnasistus(spelling) and died. I've tried them 3 times now sadly all with bad luck. They are a cave fish known for hanging upsidedown under the rocks, and do better in lower light. Now I have a Multibanded angel which is the only other type in the Paracentropyge family(they have gone back and forth between paracentropyge and centropyge). I've had it over a month now and its doing good but the only thing it will eat is cycopese. Pablo the creator of Spectrum foods had 3 of them in one of his systems and when I emailed him about getting them to eat, he said the best way is to start off with live foods and work from there. Good luck with it! Keep us posted