Bill Wann
In Memoriam
I figured I would post a pic of my wave maker . Its pretty simple and works great . The best thing is its cheap to run and make no bubbles or noise and move one hell of alot of water . This is th esmall one on my holding tank all it is a peice os 8 inch pve pipe with a 2 inch electric ball valve . At the top of th etank is a float switch . when the water rises to th eswitch it closes which activates a holding realy that opens the valve for a certin amout of time which lets tha water out .
The only draw back is th eexpense of th evalve , Mine was 300 buck , but well worth it , I have a 40 gallon version on my main tank with a 3 inch valve .
The only draw back is th eexpense of th evalve , Mine was 300 buck , but well worth it , I have a 40 gallon version on my main tank with a 3 inch valve .