my wife is the coolest chick there is pics :)

ok im not sure whats wrong i can not seem to download pics from photobucket to here? i must be doing something wrong so if you can help thanks...
went to photobucket and i can not upload the photos? i must be doing something wrong? im gonna go nuts i have done it like 10
times. select img tag copy and paste right? any help would be great thanks
once you hit upload how long should it take? i see the img tag next to browse nothing happens what gives?
open the picture with microsoft paint in your accessories in windows, then when the picture opens click save as and change the file type to JPEG, it will make the file much smaller and the pic will look the same, in the folder there will be 2 of the same pics but one is BMP and the other is JPEG, upload the JPEG to photobucket
copy from the gallery page, hit the IMG button, and paste it. I use the editing program that came with my camera, crop the picture then resize it to just under 125kb so I can just use the gallery here.
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