My Wife's 10 gallon reef


Active member
I decided to upgrade her 3 gallon pico to a 10 gallon. She basically just wanted zoa's and Rock anenomes. For fish, she added a small fire clown, blue reef chromes and a sunburst goby. A fire shrimp,CBS shrimp and several peppermint shrimp are also in there.

street that is awesome!

i dont know about you, but my chick enjoys inverts alot, and you can get a nem crab or a sexy shrimp and they will live on the rock nems.
Very nice. Love the red and green rock anemone. What kind of lights are on there?
I have two power filters on there and a heater, that's it. An aquaclear rated to a 55 gallon tank and a TOM rapids power filter. No skimmer. Just doing water changes every two weeks. The goby was hiding at the time.