My Zoa Garden

Hello Reefers,

Another month has passed on my reef and its time for an update. Due to my work load my tanks have suffered a bit of neglect. But all is not bad news, my phos level was 0,34 a week ago and got it to 0.11 a couple of days ago. Still working on it :) got more water changes scheduled in this week.
My wrasse have taken to turning my Lobo collection upside down so they will be gone soon... The Lobos that is , lol
Let me get the tank ship shape and Ill get some pics up for you.
Stay tuned my friends.

BTW the black substrate in my reef is Carib Sea Aragonite.
The Phos is still 0.10
Some zoas are struggling a bit. Hope to spend more time looking after the tank but am fighting a fungus in my freshwater tanks. Maybe over the Xmas vacation things will improve. Got my hands full ATM .
Here is a FTS taken today.
Be careful with that Palythoa sp. on the 2nd picture of post 170, right/bottom; 3rd picture of post 170, center.
That zoa can become invasive and suffocate other slow grower zoanthids/corals after a while.

There is a lot of pink on your light. Does the tank look that pink, or it's just the pictures?

Looking good!!

Be careful with that Palythoa sp. on the 2nd picture of post 170, right/bottom; 3rd picture of post 170, center.
That zoa can become invasive and suffocate other slow grower zoanthids/corals after a while.

There is a lot of pink on your light. Does the tank look that pink, or it's just the pictures?

Looking good!!


Hello Grandis,

The Illumagic led company were the first to add red spectrum into their led units. They like to call this pink led polar purple , purple like the famous brand light going by the name Fiji Purple. Polar purple is a royal blue led with a specifically made red dye added. The effect gives better colour rendition than the blue and white led of yesteryear.
They are growing nice and fast I would say...
I'll be trying LEDs for the first time in a couple months.

Keep us posted!!

They are growing nice and fast I would say...
I'll be trying LEDs for the first time in a couple months.

Keep us posted!!


Hello Grandis, two types of blue were used in early versions of the Illumagic Blaze light the wavelength were 455nm and 470nm , these wavelengths had very positive effect on zoa growth . Five polyps quickly grew to three hundred polyps..... In some places those colony's have been taken over by what I thought were slow growers that as if a switch was thrown have now turned into rampant frontiers battling it out for their slice of reef.
I think led is a viable way to light a reef... I was an early adopter of the technology well before everyone jumped onto the bandwagon. I too have seen many jump off the bandwagon. Perhaps they did not make the right choice after doing their research.
Hope I'll do better then I think with LEDs!!
I like T5s a lot, but the electricity bill isn't something that gives me too much pleasure nowadays.
I did research before and saw some 2 year old tanks to make sure I would step into the right path. We'll see...

@Grandis , lighting is one aspect. Finding a brand of salt is the other.
Btw I never feed my coral either, personally I think I could do better with growth but that too is all relative.
My tank was designed and aquascaped from the vision I had in my mind to the picture you see before you.
Have to say my dreams have been realised and the result is satisfactory.
I don't know if I would feed corals, but I'm sure I would feed zoanthids though.
I'm not sure why you mentioned salt brand, but I'm currently using Instant Ocean.

Three years under Illumagic LED and still going strong.... Haven't added any coral for over a year!!!! While my passion for reef building is no longer in my heart, my reef still ticks over in my living room. Over the years I have grown SPS from fragments to full blown beauties with minimal input. I can say that those that don't believe that led is a great form of lighting can't keep a reef. Mine is proof that led does just ok.
Here is proof that you don't need to feed your tank or need expensive additives to keep on blooming. My mistakes in the past were due to temperature fluctuation. My tip to budding reefers.... Get a chiller, set your temp to 25•C and go forth.
I have enjoyed this reef for all it's given me in terms of growth and reward.
Ps I still don't have a chiller but enjoy my garden for what it is, long live my Aitutaki
Gday Nils

Just read through this whole journal well done on a amazing tank

I know it's been two years since a comment but searching around for illumagic blaze tanks and glad I found this!

Any chance you could share the light schedule or settings you were running?

I have just put two 30cm blaze over my two foot cube and trying to,work out the best program and intensity for the lights.

Any help,would be greatly appreciated
