My zoa is Smiling!


New member
lol just thought I would share this. Just saw it today and thought it was cool. One of my morphed zoanthids appears to be smiling :)

If you have any cool morphed zoas or palys post um!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
but they dont look to happy

check this out.


looks like a zoa eating nudi
I wish I could get a better pic of it. My camera is not that great. Hopefully this guy stays around long enough where I can get a HD pic of him :)
that's typical. tends to happen with RDE's and even with watermelons that can morph temporarily to keilidoscopes
They are totally different species, altolamprologus!
The ones with shorter tentacles are your "good zoas".
The other ones, with the longer tentacles, can grow fast and could become a nuisance.
Some times they sting the other polyps' heads.
I would remove them with a sharp pointed knife.
Keep an eye on them!!

They are totally different species, altolamprologus!
The ones with shorter tentacles are your "good zoas".
The other ones, with the longer tentacles, can grow fast and could become a nuisance.
Some times they sting the other polyps' heads.
I would remove them with a sharp pointed knife.
Keep an eye on them!!

Lol no, not the palys. I mean the RDE zoas with the split, spiky tentacles