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I've had colonies all but the greens slowly close polyp by polyp just a few here and there very irritating. I've dipped them and nothing comes off predator wise. Are there predators that borrow in them? I bought a AOG single polyp several weeks ago he open for a few days and closed then after a few weeks he opened for one day but closed again. My palys all seem fine except I did notice a few polyps died that colony I had for three years never a problem. It seems the ones that close eventually open or eventually die but new growth sprouts new heads? This has been going on off and on for a few years now. The only thing I've done differently is increased water changes, changed both RO filters and switched over to seachem matrix carbon. Is something going on with my water? I have lots of cheato could this be causing problems? I even tried poly filters to make sure it wasn't copper. All test show normal including phosphates and nitrates both read zero - Alk at 10, ph at 8.2 normal. Tank is four years old, using red sea coral pro salt, salinity at 1.025, maxspect razor LED 160 Watts and no dosing. One thing I don't do is vacuum the sand bed was told a four inch depth undisturbed is beneficial? Not sure what to do now?
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