My Zoas and Palys (Pics)


Reefing since '93
I figured I would share some pics of my Zoa and Paly collection. I only have 18 varieties right now. I just started collecting a couple months ago as a new addiction along with my SPS addiction. :bigeyes: Feel free to help me with ID as well if I have some names wrong. All are aquacultured.

Blue Steels:

Fire and Ice:

Darth Maul:

Armor of God (?):

Japanese Eagle Eyes w/ ??: (anyone know what the purple with green skirt are?

Japanese Superman:

Japanese Yellow Jacket:

Magician People Eaters (on each side - unknown ??):

Peach Dream Paly (?):

Pink Rays Palys and Green Zoas:

X-men Palys (need to color up more, arrived very bleached) and ?? (anyone know?):

Goldstar Zoas (?):
Those are some great zoanthids. Would you mind posting some more pics if you get any new ones because those pictures are awesome!
Thanks for the comments everyone! :) I will post more pics when I get more Zoas for sure Felix.

Buttons, the Japanese deepwater Zoas all came from my local LFS...he gets come crazy wicked Zoas in for good prices too. One of his employees is a Zoa addict (and the one who is responsible for my new addiction), and has talked the owner into bringing in Zoas from all over the place. They sell really well since the locals here are mostly into softies and LPS. You guys should see the employee's tank!! It's a 40 gallon breeder with almost 100 Zoa and Paly varieties. It is absolutely theeeeee nicest Zoa collection I have ever seen.

Do you guys know where I can find any pics of Zoa dedicated tanks?
Thanks for the link Bandsaw, there are some AWESOME photos in there of some wicked tanks!!!

Felix, I hear the Darth Mauls are tough to get. They sure grow slow. I had two 5-7 polyp frags, but one of my jawfish got a hold of one and stuffed it down his burrow never to be seen again! I would choke the jawfish for it, but I would never be able to catch him! LOL

Thanks Catashrophi. :) Bubble algae is the bane of my existence! I prune it regularly, I also have two Emerald crabs (neither eat it). If you take a closer look at the pics there is worse stuff than Bubble algae in there though! I just came back from 2 weeks of Christmas holidays, and the tank needs some attention!
bah bubble algae is at least fairly easy to get rid of, but those star polyps are horrible, bain of my existence i wish i had never introduced tyhat to my tank.
Nice collection - what you have pictures as Armor of God, I believe is actually Devil's Armor, similar colors, but different markings
Agreed with the Devil's Armor. I have some Armor of God's in my tank and they look slightly different, a very minor difference.
i think you are off to a great start with the collection, where did you pick most of these up? I would love to get mine going