Myliobatis freminvillei


Active member
So last year I posted a video of a neonate Bullnose ray. I unfortunately lost her thinking that she could handle some cooler temperatures. She never really ate aggressively enough to put her in the shark tank, and when the temps dropped, I set her heater to 55F thinking that since they ranged to Cape Cod and are considered subtropical I could maintain temps in the lower end of that range. Well that was a mistake.

I'm hoping to have better success with this pair. Though not as social as the cownose, they seem to be doing better as a pair. Plus they were caught together. They are also much less active and docile than the cownose ray which is a big plus and the reason why I've targeted this species again. I don't think much work has been done with them, at least I can't find it.

Anyway, the plan is to condition them to eat from a very shallow platform in the tank because competing with my sharks will be difficult. From last year I learned that starting them on live cracked mussels was the easiest way to ween them off their natural diet of hermit crabs and snails and it worked well this time with a fasting period of only 3 days.

I thought I would post an update on my work with this species. I caught this pair a month ago.

They are the bullnose eagle ray Myliobatis freminvillei , a rarely seen eagleray in the public aquariums, but seem to be easily adaptable to captivity.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Wow very cool!

Do you have any posts showing more about your system(s)? I'm very interested to see it all, filtration, maintenance, etc. Looks like something very unique!
Its pretty simple. Pics not available in posts since photo bucket fiasco. I run two SHE 2.4 pumps into a Sacramento koi bead filter. Ozone with reaction chamber to skimmer. Return is both under the sand bed and to the surface. Flow is created by tunze masterstrreams. Holds approx 300 gal. Temp between 72-74F with aqua logic heater and a 3/4hp chiller.

DIY Fiberglass tank. 2" thick, 8 ft acrylic window. tank is wrapped in 4 inches of insulating foam board under drywall and floor. The lids are made of polycarbonate hurricane panels. Its like a giant cooler so my heating and cooler costs are pretty low.
very cool, nice to see them eat from your hand also. can we see a video or something of the entire tank? What sharks are in there?
There should be plenty of vids posted. Only addition added over the past 5 or so years are the halmahera.

Port jasckon, Epaulettes (H halmahera, H ocellatum, H. hallstromi, H trispeculare) Colcloughi shark, horn, whitespotted bamboo.