Mysterious Fish Death


New member
Apparently i can't keep a fish alive. This one lasted about a week. Came home this evening and found my new mandarin dead. What's weird about it is that i saw the fish this morning before i left for work (9am) and all was fine. I came home (9pm) and found the fish completely finless, skinless and covered in little bugs:


Never had this happen before, not sure what happened in the 12 hour time period. Do you think the little bugs may have killed it?

They are hard to keep at all, it may have been on the verge of starvation and then the stress of shipping took its toll.
I don't see how it could've starved. There are pods all over the place in the tank although i'll admit I never did actually see him eat

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I don't see how it could've starved. There are pods all over the place in the tank although i'll admit I never did actually see him eat

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Sorry, I did not mean to say your tank, but the one he came from, then the stress of transport. It may have been too late for him already.
Didn't think of it that way. Oh well, not much i can do about it now.

I just thought it was odd that he was skinned within 12 hours, never seen that before.
Where did you get it from? I must have gotten a good one. I've had no problems with mine. It'll even take thawed brine shrimp if they float down his way. I have tons of pods in my tank so he doesn't have to work hard to find food. I did stare at him for a long time in the store before I bought him. I knew he was eating well because I watched him actively hunting and eating before I bought him. I'm calling him a him because he has a spikey fin on his back that stands up when he's excited. Does that make him a boy?
the fish came from

I had one years ago without issue, guess i just didn't have that much luck this time.
I bought 2 a year and a half ago (male & female), the male disappeared, but the female is still cruising around. I did find her one day floating on top of the water, against the overflow, like she had died. I touched her with my finger and she "woke up" and has been swimming around happily ever since. Weird. Mine has gotten used to eating the Spectrum pellets, as well as cruising the liverock.