Mystery bug?


So I've noticed these 'things' in my latest tank. See photo. They appear to be little orange/red specs, hard to describe. They dont appear to move, they just look like somone sprayed them all over the rock and sometimes the glass. I notice they seem to be taking over more and more surfaces so I figured I needed someone's advice on what these things are and how to control them. Anyone know what these little things are?
they are flatworms. Had em before. got rid of em easily too. just try your best to vaccuum up as many as possible to get rid of them. then get some flatworm-exit and treat your system.
Thanks for the id, I suspected as much but I guess I was holding out for a miracle. Looks like one order of FWExit is in the works. Nothing I like more than a challange. yay.
a turkey baster will suk them bad boys right out of there before you annialate the missed ones,...they don't have a strong hold onto your stuff so they will pick up easily...good luck...