Mystery Fish...Can Anyone ID?


New member
Saw this fish that was caught in the Keys the other night. I was just curious what it was. We thought it had a shape kindof like a grouper, but weren't sure. Any info would be good.

Looks in body type a lot like the infant panther grouper, but it is not a panther.
Definitely looks like a grouper. To which species I do not now, as I'm not very proficient in local fishing identification.
Hey Kat,

That fish is commonly called a "Soap fish" Due to the fact that they are sooo slippery. They are in the genus Rypticus which has 8 species, it is most probably Rypticus saponaceus. They get to about a foot or so in length ;)


That sounds right, now that I see others on the web. Thanks for the ID. He was caught with a trap in a canal in the Keys, oddly enough. Here's some info from the web about them:

Common name: Soap Fish

Scientific name: Family Rypticus

Depth found: 5' to 100'

Size: 3" to 8"

Compatibility: Will eat small fish

How common: somewhat

Notes: These fish are toxic to other fish when frightened.