n00b Question?


New member
I was just curious if my set-up will suit a clam, and what you experts would reccomend for my tank? I don't plan on adding the clam for a long time, I want all my peramiters to be perfect before I do so.

My set up is as follows:

DIY 69gal (40"x20"x20")
DIY 56gal sump/fuge (34"x24"x16")
Dual 400w Iwasaki's
4 - 96w actinic PC's
Dual Mag 5 closed loop
Mag 7 return fed through a .5" SeaSwirl
1-2" sand bed in the main tank
4" DSB in the fuge
EuroReef CS6-2+ skimmer
AquaClear 300 (just a sponge for mechanical filtration)

I'm still not exactly sure how much LR I'm gonna have, so I'll leave that part out.

If there is anything else you need to know, I will be happy to tell you.


Equipment wise its fine. You got good lighting as well. Actually the lighting is excellent. 6.5K Kelvin wll produce awesome growth for the clams.

I would add about 1lb of rock per gallon for the main tank at least. The more you can add the better (to a point). You dont want so much rock crammed in as well. So use your judgment.

Sounds good to me. Only thing I may worry about is heat issues from those halides. I would think about that one.