thx mucho for the link to this thread as it is one of the most relivent threads on this whole forum..
first off a little about myself.. ive been reefing since 2000.. ive had tanks of all sizes from 2 gal nanos to 280 gallon sps tanks.. i am currently tankless as we just bought a new house and household repairs come before the tanks... well tankless isnt the right word... there just "waterless".
now let me get to my point... i come and go on here through out the day and the vast majority of posts are... look at my (insert designer name here) zoa or paly... when in retrospect that is not what you have at all... you have Zoanthus and Palythoa sp. so why name the darn things... its such an easy and simple awnser.... you want to come to places like this.... puff out your chest.... and say LOOK AT ME!!!! i have this list of corals that says superman, hulk, sopranos, or whatever cool new hip jive names are floating around.... then you frag the living begesus out of the so caled colony- which leads me to say this.... 10 polyps is NOT a colony... people have become so infatuated with trying to make a buck off these things that you all have forgotten one little detail -albeit it is the main detail here- your supposed to enjoy your tank.... wait let me rephrase this... your supposed to enjoy your ECOSYSTEM which you have established... tanks are crammed so full of frag racks containing that new named coral... which in fact probably now has 10 different cool and catchy names because they have morphed in everyones system due to all the subtle differences each one posseses.
i know i know its all about marketing... its cool its catchy... the name brings you to a place you remember growing up or to a significant event... thats all fine and dandy... for a song... or a movie... why take a hobby or in my case a passion, and put a label on every damn thing in your tank... are your freinds more impressed that you have a joker pally or some magicians... or just maybe are they more impressed with the overall big picture.. when they point to a certain morph do you say that is_____, and then ramble on for an hr naming off every morph of z&p? because i bet they tone you out after 2 or 3 names... the only person who cares about what named pallys you have... IS YOU!!! when i browse the pictures im not looking at the damn names below the pic.. im looking at the beauty you have created within your glass/acrylic/(and sometimes) plywood box... and thats all you should be doing as well.. the names on the coral means nothing to anyone outside of yourself.... so sit back... grow out thoes beautiful Zoanthus sp. and Palythoa sp... because in the end... thats all they are