Name that mushroom


New member
At the store they said they were Hairy mushrooms. but they dont look like the ones I am seeing.

that rock had about 10 in various sizes, some of which have moved off. and some are bright yellow.. like neon and some are neonish green. I paid 35 $
Yumas are in the hairy mushroom family and sometimes they do come in from Asia labled as hairy, when they are what we my call yuma and on the orther hand we call any hairy mushrom that has color as yumas
Hairy mushrooms are Rhodactis indosinensis, yumas are Ricordea yuma, completely different. They both are from the Pacific though.

I can't see the pic now but I saw it earlier and it is usually called a Flower mushroom or at my lfs they label them Tonga mushrooms. They are Ricordea yuma.