Nano 6045 enough for the length of my 125?


New member
Hi Albert -

Right now I've got a Maxijet with a Sureflow mod that's shooting down the length of the front of my 125. Thinking about replacing it with a Nano Stream 6045. Will I see an increase in flow at all? Or will it be about the same?

Would I see a big benefit from stepping to a Turbelle 6060? I have 3 other pumps in the tank (plus the lines from my sump) but am looking for something to carry the length of it.

Hi Mike,
I don't think you will get any noticeable difference from 6045 over MJ1200 with Sureflow mod.
6060 will give you a little wider, stronger flow and it should have no problem carry across 125 unless you direct it against stronger pump.
