Nano Build - DBS 21 gallon reef ready


New member

After a too-long hiatus of 3 years, I'm finally starting up another tank. I went with a reef-ready Deep Blue Sea 21 gallon tank this time around - 20x20x12. I had a lot of hardware left over from my last build, and purchased some new things for this one, as well.

This is actually my first build with a sump; my other tanks were AIO's, but I like the idea of a more stable tank with the added water volume, and the added benefit of a cleaner look of the display tank. I know I have a long way to go, but I'm very excited to get this tank up and running, and hopefully housing some nice sps, acans, and a couple fish soon!

My old tank in its heyday:

New Setup:


Don't mind the bulk of wires - they will be moved and mounted behind the stand - needed to make sure everything still worked first!


Tank - Deep Blue Sea reef-ready 21 gallon tank
Stand - JBJ 28 Gallon stand (IIRC)
Light - AI Prime HD
Sump - Eshopps Cube Nano Refugium
Pump -
Heater - Eheim Jager 100W
Powerhead - MP10
Skimmer - Aquatic Wildlife 115 skimmer
ReefKeeper Lite w/ pH and temp probes, ATO via SL1

I bought Bahamas Oolite Live sand and "live water" to help speed up the process of getting the tank up and going.

After remembering some little details the hard way (like not to put the ATO tubing into the water in the sump unless you want a lot of water on the floor, plugging in the ATO pump to an 8 amp plug on the PC4 so it doesn't stay on from residual, etc), I think I'm on my way.

I had to get a Two Little Fishes ball valve to turn the flow down on the return pump, and now that that's installed, the sand isn't blowing around everywhere, which is good. I need to find and bake my old rock, and seed with a new live rock. I'm going to try and give things a while to settle in, as my hope is to keep maintenance needed to a minimum. I'll eventually get a doser to help with that. I plan on running carbon, Chemipure Elite, and a phosphate reducer in the filter sock, chaeto in the fuge, and kalk in the ATO water.

I'm also very impressed with the light so far - it's easily programmed via Wi-Fi, and can be adjusted from anywhere, at any time; and it supplies more than enough light for a tank my size.

I'll do my best to keep this thread updated as I go along, but I wanted to say "hi" again, and look forward to sharing this journey with you (and learning more from this group, as well)!

Nice setup can't wait to see the progress.. I recently started a 20g long

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Finally made it to the LFS to get some live and dry rock. Forget how expensive live rock was! Really too bad I lost the pieces I had in my old tank - they were perfectly sized for a small tank. We'll see how many times I need to change everything around before I'm happy with it - hopefully not much!

Thank you - it took a bit of time to find one this size (I had my last acrylic tank made to 20x12x12) so I could use my old stand, but it worked out nicely. I'm very excited to get everything stable and start adding two fish and some sps and acans!
Have an algae bloom starting! Getting closer.

Next up is a fuge light and a macro algae for the fuge, along with some tisbe pods into the fuge and DT so that when I get a mandarin she has plenty to eat.
Thanks Mike.

Tweaked, I'm actually not sure what kind it is; I just know it's aquacultured. Got it from Krystal Clear in Auburn, along with the dry rock. Haven't really seen any life on the live rock, but things are moving along regardless.
Thanks Mike.

Tweaked, I'm actually not sure what kind it is; I just know it's aquacultured. Got it from Krystal Clear in Auburn, along with the dry rock. Haven't really seen any life on the live rock, but things are moving along regardless.

I used the Walts 2.0 for my nano build and seeded it with a small rock from my big system. Great rock and never saw any leaching or algae, and didn't have to stare at white rock for months this time. Keep us posted, looking good sir
I went back to the lfs this past weekend, figuring I'd get a fuge light and poke around a bit. I also found out that my purple-colored rock was sold as Fiji handcrafted 2.1. I brought a water sample just to see where ammonia and nitrite were at. Turns out I was in the clear for starting a clean up crew; looks like the live sand, water, and half the live rock did speed things up. Got 5 small nassarius snails, along with some caulerpa, to start. It's exciting to see some life in the tank again!

I did have a bit of a scare regarding caulerpa and the huge hassle it can cause if it gets to the DT or goes sexual, so I'm going to be closely monitoring growth and cutting back when necessary, and ensuring it doesn't make its way to the DT.


Algae is gone from the sandbed, the 5 snails are still alive and well, and the caulerpa is growing well in the sump. Next step seems to be adding a fish and perhaps a frag. Not a ton of pods in the system yet, so I'll definitely be adding some tisbe pods before I add a mandarin. Struggling with whether I should put a wrasse in a tank this size again. I had a clown fairy wrasse in my last tank that I absolutely loved, and didn't see any issues with the size constraints, but it's hard to know for sure, I guess. It's either that or a pair of small active fish that aren't clowns. Any ideas?


Also found some old pictures of my last tank - makes me anxious to get back to that state (and beyond it this time around)




Thanks Mike.

Tweaked, I'm actually not sure what kind it is; I just know it's aquacultured. Got it from Krystal Clear in Auburn, along with the dry rock. Haven't really seen any life on the live rock, but things are moving along regardless.

I'm kind of in your area, Canterbury CT. I'll have to check that place out. I have been getting everything at Wet Pets in Vernon. Auburn is a little closer for me. right up 395.

Dave, I went there tonight and they're a bit low on fish and corals. I'd suggest maybe waiting a week or two to check it out - they said they have a couple big shipments coming each of the next two weeks
Thanks, I can't really do anything until Tuesday anyway. I'm on call for work and need to be close to work in Norwich.