Nano Build - DBS 21 gallon reef ready

Got some pods this weekend in anticipation of adding a mandarin when there's enough to sustain her. Also got an orchid dottyback and a clownfish as the first two fish in the new tank. Both acclimated nicely and the dottyback in particular seems right at home. She found a hole in one of the rocks that she likes to rest in. My 3 year old names the dottyback Bunny and the clownfish White :)

I know it's not much yet, but I'm excited to start adding a few nice sps frags, to hopefully grow out into mini colonies.
I got a montipora spongodes about two weeks ago as a test coral. It was pretty bleached but it's slowly regaining it's color. Polyps are out all day and night.

I also did my first water change about three weeks ago, using tropic Marin pro salt. It's what I used on my previous tank, and the parameters are very good at 1.025 sg.

I did get an outbreak of algae about two days ago; it shortly followed a carbon change and trimming of my caulerpa. I'm wondering if I stirred up some nasties from the caulerpa, as I was by no means delicate in removing it. I'm going to test parameters again tonight or tomorrow. I've been testing all a few times a week and testing all, mag, calc, and phosphates weekly. Hopefully the bloom subsides soon.

Both fish are still doing very well, and I'm seeing an increasing number of pods; hopefully I will be able to add a mandarin soon.
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Everything is going pretty smoothly. Trying to take things slowly, make small changes one at a time, etc. The montipora spongodes is coloring up nicely, and I'm starting to get some coraline growing on the rocks and back corner. Now just need to save up some money for some nice sps frags! I've been using tropic Marin pro salt during bi-weekly water changes, and am one dose into prodibio nano. No ill effects so far, and the water does seem clearer. Algae buildup on the glass has certainly slowed.

The tank has survived a power outage scare where the temperature was below 63 degrees. Somehow everything made it. One of my sps is still nursing itself back to health, but given the circumstances I got very lucky.

I am fighting a majano outbreak, which I have something for but haven't started using it yet.
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