Nano Doc 9002 and and glass top fitment issues


New member
I was wondering if anyone knows if the collection cup and basicly the internal pump and riser assembly could be be relocated so the collection cup and riser assembly are on the same side as the magnetic mount? As this would allow me to use my original glass tops. I have read about people haveing issues with there tops after mounting this skimmer. Thanks for any input!:idea:
you could add another magnetic holder to the opposite side of the existing holder, removing the existing magnet would be difficult but not impossible. re arranging the lay out internally would not be practical.
As Graeme said, this would be the best option. Typically glass tops are not used on reef tanks as the high intensity lighting causes heat issues and the tops tend to reduce the light entering the tank. Depending on your lighting and goals, it may be best to just remove the tops and if you are using them to keep jumping fish in the tank, you could use some eggcrate to make a lid that won't trap in heat or diminish the light as much.