Nano DOC Skimmer

I Hate to spend $135 on this skimmer just to find out it will not fit ith the sump! Are all the dimensions on the Tunze site exact?
The dimensions are exact. Subtract the submerse depth from the overall height for the distance it sticks out of the water. I would try to find someone who has done it, I have no experience with the AquaPod so I don't know how they are arranged- my main concern is cup clearance and being able to remove the cup for cleaning.
I can try this sometime this week when I take my cover off for replacement hinges. Assuming you have the HQI version and not the pc/lid version, the cup shouldn't be the issue, its' if the larger overflow areas in the back of the pod will fit a skimmer. You'd definetly have to use the rail mounts... If you can wait a few days I can have an answer and photos(if it fits) for you.

Tunze Nano DOC Skimmer

Tunze Nano DOC Skimmer

No problem I can wait! The only thing is that I do have the compact florescent hood. but I keep my water level down, so the cup shouldn't be to much of and issue.

Thanks to every one who replied to this post!!!!
The Nano DOC will fit in the HQI verison of the AquaPod 24 in the rear right compartment just by the overflow using the rail mounts. Though it's tight (as the mounts add a 1/2 inch or so.

It will NOT fit in the PC integreated lid version, because the collection cup is simply to large, it is to wide for the back compartment.


I am looking at the Tunze or the Remora. I have seen pics of the Remora, no one has pics of the TUnze. Please post pics if you have them of a TUnze Nano in a AP24
I have seen the pictures at Tunze, but I didn't see any with it installed in an AP24 unless I missed something.

Can anyone who has a AP24 and the Tunze take a pic and post for us?
After talking to Ike @ Current-USA, he said the Tunze will not fit on the Aquapod with the PC lights. The collection cup is jut to large. But Current-USA is coming out with a new nano skimmer in the fall closer to Christmas. :rollface:
I have the HQI setup so I don't have the PC lights top. I have read one or two post that it will fit, but I want to see a pic before I choose between the Remora Nano and the Tunze. The Coral Skimmer is just too big IMO.
We may have a solution soon- this is the first test of a new cup that is half the height.

It is still a ways off, maybe 6-12 months. We just started and a lot of testing and revision has to be done to get to something that is really satisfactory. This cup works but it needs a narrower pipe and a better mount, the skimmate it collects is just a bit too wet.
Please keep us updated if you can... I just ordered the 9002 for my 29G Biocube that I have coming... I saw a pic of someone who got an entire reefpak 200 into their middle chamber, but it required alot of gutting the back of the tank. I know the 9002 is smaller dimension wise, im just hoping the cup can come out fairly easily, otherwise i'll be waiting for this new cup. :D
I will keep you posted, I mainly wanted people to know we have taken the suggestion and we are working on it.