Nano Livestock!!

in my 12g nanocube i have:
2 false percs
1 pygmy geometric hawk
2 sexy shrimp
various snails and hermits
several zoanthid varities
green ricordia
branching frogspawn.
In my 10g I kept 1 Green Chromis and a variety of buttons, shrooms and sps.

I prefer to stock on the lighter side to keep nutrients down (as you know this can be especially important if you want to grow sps.)

I'm planning a 12g cube, too. I might put in a small blenny and one other small fish, maybe some small sexy shrimp. Or, alternatively, I may make the main inhabitants two fire shrimp then add one other small fish (something like a royal gramma.)

What are you thinking of putting in? I like hearing what everyone keeps as well.

Aural, how do you like the sexy shrimp? Can you post pix?
