Nano Mushroom 7 Pack from LiveAquaria


New member

Has anyone here ever bought this from them?? It even comes with one florida ricordea.

I am looking to get some mushrooms as the first corals to my tank. The LFS sells each small mushroom (not in great shape) for $38 per mushroom. . . so this seems like a much better route to go.

I have ordered from liveaquaria to buy all my fish and have had great success. Should I go for it??

Any other advise or recommendations??

I say go for it, most florida ricordea go for around $15-$35 a piece so just from the retail fact it is a pretty good deal. LFS around my town go for anywhere from $10-$25 a piece.....
Id buy it, they are showing some really nice stuff there, its not a bad price at all. They are a great group of people as well.
Please post pics and experience if you do order the LA pack. I plan on ordering it once my tank is up and ready.
I just ordered this 12/03, it should be here 12/05 along with a florida ric rock I bought that they had in the divers den. I will post pics : )

I was planning on attaching the 7 mushrooms that are attached to small rocks to my live rock via super glue gel . . . does this sound like a good plan?
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11311002#post11311002 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Siberman
I'm getting my 'shroom pack today (along with the polyp pack). I'll let you know how they look.;)

Please do, and make sure to include pictures!!
Sorry if the pic's crappy. We're still acclimating.

The ricordea's in the lower left....about 1" across.
Nice blue lower right.
A bullseye (?) top center.
Several smaller, some unattached.

I did get a few nassarious snails and that baby brittle star in the box. Can anybody identify? I have a population of micro-stars in the tank and I want to be sure he won't predate before I release him.

My new shrooms
Thanks a lot!

I take back the "unattached" observation. After finding my reading glasses :eek2: I discovered the smaller ones were indeed stuck to small gravel and rock pieces.

As it stands I got 3 about 1" diameter (including the ric), 1 about 1/2" and 3 more anywhere from 1/4" to 3/8".

Blues and greens (only one red but it's a beauty). The ric is a dark blue-green with bright orange knobs.

I'm satisfied.
Oooooooo! Ahhhhhhhh!:eek2:

The ricordea is in the last stages of splitting!
Two mouths, two definable discs.:rollface:

I have a blueish/greenish one that's knobby like the ric but with no "glow" under the actinics. Any ideas?

(Wish they'd id'd everything).

I'll be taking a few thousand pics over the next few days. Y'all get your reference books ready.:D
Thanks for sharing a pic. If you get a chance post a tank shot with them in there.

Sounds like things are going really well for you, this makes me really excited to get mine!

I should have minre tomorrow afternoon. I will post some pics.
cool, i was thinking of purchasing the same pack, as well as the zoa pack.

post pics and tell me how you like it.
package finally arrived via fedex. It's funny they shipped from WI to WI and it took forever. It's only a 3.5 hour drive to get to rhinelander from oshkosh. . . .

The bags were quite cold, I am letting them adjust to tank temp for 30-45 minutes before i even start drip acclimation.

I will post pics once i have something to take pictures of.




Overall I think 4/10 mushrooms might survive. I would like to point out I bought a Divers Den rock (picture #1,3,4) along with my nano mushroom coral pack. (3 mushrooms on DD rock and 7 with nano pack).

As you can see 6 of the mush rooms looked like the last picture but a lot worse, mushy and stringy. I have contacted Live Aquaria about it and I'm sure they will right the situation. Although this order didn't go as well as my past orders I don't think this was bad livestock as it was bad shipping. THe two bags I received were both very cold and I think this was most likely the downfall of these mushrooms.

I will keep you informed about how Live Aquaria handles this one.