Nano osmolator


New member
Could I use a nano osmolator on a 40 breeder with 20 long sump? The sump will hold roughly 12 gallon of water and be baffled with the return in its own section. Today is my bday and I thought I might treat myself to one if it would work.
The maximum capacity of the nano osmolator is a system up to 55 gallons, it cannot pump more than 3/4 gallon at one stretch before a safety timer shuts it off and this can only be reset by unplugging it and plugging it back in. Provided the evaporation is not extreme, it should work, you will need to open the controller and set the safety timer to 3 minutes, by default it is 1.8 minutes and only good for tanks up to about 25 gallons.
To resurrected an old thread.... My system holds about 54 gallons total before accounting for displacement by rock and sand. I add roughly 3/4 of a gallon of water a day to the sump in my return chamber. The return chamber only ones about 3 gallons. Seems like the nano would work right? Right now I manually top off twice a day.
The Nano Osmolator should work as long as you extend the safety timer from the default 1.8 minutes to 3 minutes.
The nano ozmolater can work on almost any tank size with a sump. It matters on how big you return section is and how much water it takes to kick the switch off I had my nano ozmolater on a 100g tank with a 30 g sump temporarily when my buddy's ato died while I was babysitting his tank and it worked fine like Rvitko said just move the jumper it the control board so that it can run for longer and you should be fine
Well, I wouldn't go that far, the entire volume is evaporating and I would not endorse it for anything much beyond 55 gallons, while it could be made to work, it is not something I would consider reliable and worth risking, the extra $100 for a 3155 when dealing with thousands of dollars in equipment and livestock seems trivial and I would buy the right one for the job.
Been running the nano osmolator since Friday night. Works perfect. It runs girl less than 5 secondsevery 45 minutes oor so. Love it.