Naoko's Fairy Wrasse - should I or shouldn't I?


New member
I recently picked up a Naoko’s Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus naokoae from a LFS that said it was a good reef fish. What I failed to ask was how it would get along with my other inhabitants. I have been researching my chances since picking him up and he has been in quarantine which is about 3 weeks now.

In the wrasse department (where I beleive most of the Naoke's agression would be directed) I have
Leopard wrasse
Blueside fairy wrasse
Unidentified juvenile fairy wrasse

I also have:
Bi-color blenny
Longnose hawkfish
Geometric hawkfish
Watchman goby
3 bangaii cardinals
Flame angel
Pair of ocellaris clowns
Clown tang
RS sailfin tang
Kole tang

All in my 210 display, 400 total water volume system.

With these 3 existing wrasse in a 210 (72" wide, 30" tall, 24" deep) will I have a problem adding the Naoko or will they all find some turf? This Naoko took about 6 days to start swimming around the QT. He seems really shy at the moment.

I normally wouldn't even risk it but my wife absolutely loves it.

Coming in with those other inhabitants already established, I wouldn't be concerned. Mine got along with all my other wrasses. They really like to jump btw. Ask me how I know...

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Coming in with those other inhabitants already established, I wouldn't be concerned. Mine got along with all my other wrasses. They really like to jump btw. Ask me how I know...

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Thanks Bill! I have a nylon mesh cover on the tank to keep the others in already. My Longnose Hawk still managed to find the 2x2" opening in the corner for wires and jumped out. Thankfully (luckily) he jumped into the horse trough I have for a sump behind the tank! :D
My blueside wrasse used to be pretty nasty to new wrasses... Definitely one of the more aggressive species I have kept.

Given the size of the aquarium though, I imagine it would be safe.
My blueside wrasse used to be pretty nasty to new wrasses... Definitely one of the more aggressive species I have kept.

Given the size of the aquarium though, I imagine it would be safe.

Mine didn't like when I added the second fairy wrasse but they get along just fine now. The blueside is pretty big these days. I'm thinking the Naoko can out maneuver him. If the Naoko goes evil, I fear the blueside will be a sitting duck...
That is one mean wrasse. 210 gallons doesn't mean much to that fish. Once it is established, it will chase and beat up any wrasses that is intimidated by it. It is one beautiful fish but with such a mean and vicious personality. Return it quickly
Well I bit the bullet and decided to add the Naoko to my 210 display almost 2 weeks ago. Upon introduction, he took some grief from everyone including my clown tang, both fairy wrasses, and even the leopard wrasse. After the initial aggression towards the Naoko, everything has calmed down to the occasional 2 second chase by my clown tang.

The Naoko has been a model citizen, swimming happily back and forth across the front of the tank. Never seen any aggression from him towards anyone at this point. Of course, he is just about the smallest fish in the tank and there is a lot of room to hide so that my be helping him adjust.

I will update this thread if things change.
Update: Its been almost 3 months and the Naoko remains a perfect model citizen. It has been a wonderful addition!
Pictures please.
Here are pictures of my Naoko.





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Those are some great pictures! It's hard to photograph that guy, he is FAST and constantly moving!


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I really like him a lot. I certainly agree with you on the difficulty of trying to take pictures of him. Of all the Fairy and Flasher wrasses I am trying to take pictures of, he is one of the hardest one.
My LFS had the Naoko's Fairy Wrasse a while ago. Searching on the temperament of this wrasse, there were not a lot of information out there. Certainly not a lot of first hand experience, but many people seem to think that this is a fairly aggressive, but small fairy wrasse. This is my experience. I have a large tank and most of my fishes are not on the timid side so I decided to give it a go.
He is a very beautiful wrasse, very fast and difficult to take pictures of. I have to empty my bag of tricks before I got a good picture of him.
So far, after 4 weeks, I have not find him to be as aggressive as indicated by my research. I have him in my temp QT reef, a 40 gal breeder, with a pair of WC A. percula, an Eightline Flasher juvenile (1.5 inches) and a China (A. neoguinaicus) wrasse (2 inches). The five fish get along great, there is no problem. The Eightline was in the system for about 6 weeks and the China Wrasse for the last 10 days.
My plan is to fatten up all the three wrasses and release them to the DT sometime in the near future.
I am not certain I will release the Eightline to my DT since I already have a terminal Eightline flasher in there. My DT is a 320 gal tank, about 100 gal (75 gal in the sump) sump. My plan is to fatten them up before release. All five fishes are eating frozen Mysis, flakes and Otohime pellets well. No problem They getting feed 5-6 times a day. Frozen and flakes in AM, 4 autofeed and sometime frozen and flakes in evening. All are getting fatter. The China Wrasse still have some weight gain to go but I think I will release them in 2 weeks.

This is such a beautiful fish, hopefully he will live long in my DT. Update regularly just to let everybody know how aggressive, or timid he is in my tank.
He is a great fish for my tank. Out going, small wrasse, smallest of all of my wrasse, even smaller than my flasher. Model citizen in my tank



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I got better pictures today. Here are two of the best picture of this wrasse today.




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