Naso Tang looking thin?


Wrasse aficionado
It's been awhile that I've posted anything on this forum but lately I've noticed my blonde Naso which I've had for at least 3+ years looking rather thin. He is still eating aggressively, but is not as robust as the other fish. Any thoughts ideas???

Did you ever deworm him. That's the first thing I'd do. I'm currently treating a friends prized angel in my qt with prazi. We'll see if it works. Same thing, fish eating great but emaciated. Nice fish! Hope you figure it out.
Make up some medicated food. As strange add it is, my lfs guy told me about a seachem product(metro). He was feeding it to his fish at home. You can feed that every day. You simply take the food, add some of the metro, add some garlic, and go. I add selcon and mix fish frenzy, pe mysis, a few larger nls pellets, and even chop up some nori.. I then, freeze it all and break offs chunks to feed.

I swear,I have been doing this for maybe 7 months.. These fish look insane! They eat extremely aggressively though.. Lol.. But they are all fat(including my filefish and copperband..), healthy, and extremely active.. I get a fish now, and, look at them like they are anorexic! Lmao!

But seriously though, try that metro from seachem, and I know a lot of people are iffy on selcon, but "now", nothing goes in my tank without it on it(in the mix I mentioned above)..

I recently bought a Mata tang.. He was very thin, but of course I know the dealer and his practices(same guy that told me about the metro/garlic trick). It has only been a month(i think, but it may be longer), but that one is fat too, and recently, his color is trying to come through, along with the fork on the tail.. But I only attribute it to the mix.

I've had no issues, no losses since starting this. And I upgraded from a 50 to my current 180, And I also had to move the tank across the room. So they have been through a little bit..

But, and I just asked my girlfriend, and she confirmed, they weren't like this before I started making and feeding them that mix..