Nassarius Obsoleta

I've ordered twice from AaronSales on ebay. I've been very happy. during the day the stay in my substrate. In the evening when I feed, they clean up the leftovers and then head onto the glass where they spend the night eating algae. They do leave tracks on the glass so I assume they are eating algae. I've tried other snails, but those and the Trochus are the only ones that I've had good luck keeping. You can't beat the price either!!
I've had them and there are just like what he said. When I had my anenome and it didn't want all its food, they will eat up the leftovers. I try not to overfeed my tank, but they will eat everything thats not eaten by the fish or corals. If you put any kind of meat in your tank, watch you sand bed because after 5 seconds they will all surface, its really funny.
Nassarius Obsoleta is a misnomer-- the species is actually Ilyanassa Obsoleta

Just pointing out its not related to the Nassarius Vibex snail (other then they are both snails)...

Apparently they do pretty good at clean up but as pointed out prefer cooler water so they probably won't live as long at reef tank temps... I wouldn't load up too heavily on these...