Sure. You are welcome and thank you again!
Here is the exerpt from our bylaws-
Section 2. Duties of the Officers
Paragraph 1: The President shall:
a. preside at the regular meetings of the Society and at other special meetings of the Society;
b. call the Board of Directors together and preside at the meeting;
c. appoint the chair of all Standing Committees subject to the approval of the Board of Directors;
d. seek volunteers to constitute a Nomination Committee in February of each year;
e. appoint all special committees;
f. be ex-officio member of all committees;
g. call special meetings when necessary.
Paragraph 2: The Vice-President shall:
a. perform the duties of the President during any absence of the President, and be ex-officio member of all
b. become President should the President leave the Society;
c. manage and oversee the Membership Committee and its activities.
Paragraph 3: The Vice President of Public Affairs shall:
a. maintain relationships with sponsors;
b. manage communications to the community through newsletters, the Society’s website, mailings or other
c. develop relationships with other marine aquarium societies;
d. perform the duties of the President during any absence of the President and Vice President, and be exofficio
member of all committees.
Paragraph 4: The Secretary shall:
a. attend all regular and special membership meetings of the Society and record its date, place and
b. attend all meetings of the Board of Directors and keep a full and complete record of the proceedings.
c. be the custodian of all the documents of the Society other than those pertaining specifically to the other
offices of the Society;
d. countersign as Secretary of the Society all instruments, papers and documents when asked to do so by
the Board of Directors;
e. keep all minutes available for the inspection of the Board of Directors at any of their regular business
meetings and likewise available for the inspection of the members of the Society at every regular
membership meeting;
f. submit a copy of the minutes of each meeting to the Public Relations committee.
Paragraph 5: The Treasurer shall:
a. be custodian of all funds and securities of the Society and as such take adequate precautions to safeguard
b. keep a regular book of accounts of the funds and securities;
c. dispense money for the payment of bills and current expenses of the Society as authorized by the Board
of Directors and keep the same as a part of Treasurer's records;
d. report upon all the financial transactions of the Society when called upon to do so at meetings of the
Board of Directors and at the regular membership meetings of the Society;
e. make the book of accounts of the Society available for inspection by the members of the Society at
every regular meeting and available for inspection by the Board of Directors;
f. make the book of accounts available for inspection by any audit committee appointed by the President;
g. receive all dues and issue membership cards or acknowledgements, which shall serve as a receipt;
h. Prepare or supervise all regulatory and tax filings as required under federal and statue statues;
I know VP of Education and Marketing are not on there as they are fairly new and I couldn't find the amendment that included them on the site, maybe just missed it.
At large members help the other positions and help keep an odd number of board members. Their role is just as important as the others.