New member
This thread is for members to nominate people for the election at the spring swap.
You can nominate yourself or others.
ReefDT (Don) and Carlc (Carl) are on the nominations committee.
I am overseeing the committee.
Post your nominations and/or questions here.
Positions on the board are as follows with people currently holding the position:
President- Rick Pucciarella (Rickyfins)
Vice President Dan Rigle (rigleautomotive)
Vice President of Marketing Don Biggs (Reefdt)
Vice President of Public Relations Brad Kindig (BMkindig) who is MIA
Secretary -----
Treasurer Mary Miller (lawmary)
At Large Board members- Michelle Lemech (poconofishy) also MIA
Carl Cattau is not on the board but holds a few positions that are appointed by the president yearly. They are:
1st- NCPARS Director of Purchasing(group buys).
2nd- he is a board consultant and members advocate
These are new positions for Carl and he has been working on a Group Buy for the spring swap.
SO, post your nominations and lets get the new year rolling!
You can nominate yourself or others.
ReefDT (Don) and Carlc (Carl) are on the nominations committee.
I am overseeing the committee.
Post your nominations and/or questions here.
Positions on the board are as follows with people currently holding the position:
President- Rick Pucciarella (Rickyfins)
Vice President Dan Rigle (rigleautomotive)
Vice President of Marketing Don Biggs (Reefdt)
Vice President of Public Relations Brad Kindig (BMkindig) who is MIA
Secretary -----
Treasurer Mary Miller (lawmary)
At Large Board members- Michelle Lemech (poconofishy) also MIA
Carl Cattau is not on the board but holds a few positions that are appointed by the president yearly. They are:
1st- NCPARS Director of Purchasing(group buys).
2nd- he is a board consultant and members advocate
These are new positions for Carl and he has been working on a Group Buy for the spring swap.
SO, post your nominations and lets get the new year rolling!