NCPARS Fall Frag Swap Info Oct 6th in Redlion, PA


New member
Hi, this is Rick Pucciarella President of NCPARS, Inc. North Central Pennsylvania Aquarium Reef Society Inc. is dedicated to the global conservation of reefs through education, captive coral propagation and trading, assisting local schools with setup, maintenance, and education, and the sharing knowledge, resources, and time between members and the community.

We are holding our fall frag swap in Redlion, PA on Oct 6th from 10AM-3:30P.M. if interested please check us out at

Here is a link to the official swap thread in our RC forum: LINK
To register for our swap, post frags, setup trades, and make presales go to
It is free to join/signup for fragswapper.

We will be updating information on our swap as it becomes available. If you have any questions feel free to post them here, pm me, or email me at

thank you for your time and I hope to see you there.

Rick Pucciarella
NCPARS,INC. President
Hey Rick,
How many people do you have signed up and/ or how many people normally attend to swap?

Hey Joe,

It varies, this time around we have less people signed up through fragswapper(around 40 with attendance total at around 58) but it tends to be inacurate from actual previous swap attendances and what fragswapper says.

On another note, this time around we have alot more variety of corals listed on fragswapper for the swap, which is something to consider.

Joe, do you guys have next years collection trip planned? NCPARS would like to work something out and maybe do the aquarium stay and collection trip. LMK

I hope to see you there!
I forgot something really important!

We also have 2 speakers this time instead of one.
Steve Pro and John Coppolino 2 awesome personalities in one room should be interesting and educational.

We also have Dr. Mac coming which the club hasn't done previously.

Everyone was available all at once which hasn't happened before. So it should be a nice swap.