Neal's Zoa/Paly Pics...

Honestly, I miss it... It was more my style to be different and present my corals differently... I still have a vision of an underwater temple sorta speak... I also still have a TON of tiles of various sizes... I'm thinken at some point I'll go back to it... Especially now that I have a more suitable display for it and a better understanding of what needs to be done to keep things right... But I don't know, a more real looking reef is pretty awesome... So maybe two different looks??? Well, lets not let me get beyond my means here, lol ;)

I absolutely appreciate the interest everyone... As there isnt a day that goes by that i dont use RC to help fuel my addiction, you should all know that many of you inspire me daily... Especially on this particular zoa forum...

I didn't really like the tower look for me, but I loved looking at your pictures and see them grown and cover the tiles. I think if they had ever went to the bottom it would have been awesome. :)
Nice setup. Some of my zoas like my Sunny D's and Everlasting Gobbstoppers are going crazy, 3-6 polyps per month and then others like my Rasta's are only growing 2 or so polyps per month. Great job, keep it up, would love to see that tank in a year or so!
just read the whole thread, for the love god nice work man. Of course the only thing after all this i must know is WHAT HAPPENED? Yikes! let us learn from your lesson please. Best of luck on the new tank and new zoas.
Well, after a bit of a hiatus sort of speak and many tribulations, crashes and mistakes, it's time to continue on with this thread :D

For anyone who maybe interested in my journey from the very beginning of my reefing experiences, since 2005 or so, the first two pages of this thread to into a great depth of system by system along the way, including the one or two documented here to this point.

My reefing journey
And time for some pics :)

I no longer have any of the colonies from any point prior to this post. I've started over completely. I now have a 40b to get me started again.

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These are not so white looking in person, not sure what happened, and the ones just above are not that dark...

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All stunning as usual, very inspiring when considering what color colonies I want in my reef.
All stunning as usual, very inspiring when considering what color colonies I want in my reef.

Thank you :beer:

I picked up 5 new pieces this past weekend as well. I'll post se new pics plus a few more I have when they settle in ;)
Whats the flow of the tank.
Although I have luck with paly`s,most deep water zoos are very slow growers.
Any kind of info would be a great help.
Love those rasta`s.
Whats the flow of the tank.
Although I have luck with paly`s,most deep water zoos are very slow growers.
Any kind of info would be a great help.
Love those rasta`s.

I have 2 mp10's mounted on the back wall that I keep at about 25%, and a mag drive 3 return pump. And I make sure I don't blast them with too much light. System still too young to give any definate advice.
Well to make a long story short, I've made some changes, lost some things, and have basically started over... I have very few of the same polyps since my last updates... A crying shame and a blessing all at once... or at least thats what I'm gonna roll with, lol ;)

I do like you new set up. It looks like you have a nice start. Just takes time now for everything to start growing and spreading out.

But may I ask what happened to your old set up. You make it sound like a monster crash or something?
Alk issues, Dino's, heater issues... The list goes on, lol... I didn't lose everything, but decided it was time to take a break, got rid of anything that didn't die, and started over with a new system last September and started stocking in January of this year.

Got about 25 morphs now, surely they won't all make it, but I'm gonna keep adding and keeps things clean and stable... And just hope for the best, lol. Already lost a few, but I guess that's the way it goes ;)

I'll post some more new pics here shortly.
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