Neal's Zoa/Paly Pics...

I have one other question for you. What kind of camera are you using and lens for your pictures. You seem to have some of the best close ups I have seen around. Also what is your lighting for your pictures. My pictures always get s strong blue balance issue.
iPhone 4. Jus zooming in and moving them close to the glass. I've used this for 2 years. Before that it was my old Droid which I dont remember the model. I Try to be sure I use at least one aquablue special and turn off my two outer actinics when I do. Leaving me 3 blue plus and 1 aquablue spec. If not, it's all washed out blue and doesn't show the colors for crap.
Goblins fire finally open and looking good as I got them this past weekend at our local annual frag market. Just about time to mount to column. VERY similiar morph to electric oompa loompa. Could go either way IMO.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 9F569B08-602B-457C-8E58-55D8FB0A5B3C_zpsbdrk1cbq.jpg"/></a>
Is that your regular light? Kinda dark/blue...

Nice polyp, but they should place at least 5 polyps on the frags.
Sad they still doing the solitary polyp thing.

Hopefully it will spread and take over the frag soon. :)

I choose this one as it was cheapest, but has the mat started for more. I now have 2 more coming in. I actually had 1 aquablue special, 3 blue plus on in this pic. Depending on the angle and how close I get, and what bulbs are on obviously, sometimes it's just more blue than others.
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Yeah, I think the camera didn't capture the light then.
1 Aquablue special with 3 Blue Plus bulbs should be fine.

Changed it around to be more suitable to a zoa/paly display. Also to accomadate better flow.

I have 32 different morphs at the moment. Not anticipating them all making it as some don't seem too happy right now, but that is normal IMO. But most are doing well. I have 10 more columns for them to add. Maybe a few more.

I really hate the frag rack in there... The stand pipes don't bother me nearly as much.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo DC69FC9C-A551-4BCF-8226-0C29A1E7565B_zpswlkdrhin.jpg"/></a>

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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 85D8A77C-28AB-42DA-A7D9-7C130B8949DA_zpssp85o4ow.jpg"/></a>
Thanks. I just thought it would make for a very cool display if/when they start to grow in and down.

Actually considering removing the sand as I feel it's contributing to detritus build up, and nutrients. Also considering not using a skimmer for a bit, and doing small daily water changes, and frequently changed/cleaned filter socks.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

I've taken my skimmer offline for a couple days now due to some changes/issues with my sump, and I swear some of the ones that weren't doing well are doing better I that time.

I also don't use carbon constantly any more. And I do use UV.

I also went back and added a aquablue special back into the mix.

Would love some feedback on these thoughts, but may just start a thread about these thoughts if I don't get much here.
No thoughts on skimmerless? With all you polyp loving folks?

Anyhow, ended up removing the sand. Now in the hunt for some quality live rock to help make up for the bio filtration aspect. I actually like it much better without the sand. Still need to work on an ATS.

Also added some more polyps. Another frag of Rastas, some new joker palys, more Tubbs blues, new LA lakers, and a similiar morph of "orange bam bams" from the ones I have now. We will see how they do with some time I suppose ;)

Skimmer/no skimmer...

Sand/no sand...

I firmly believe today that live sand make a huge difference for any system.
It's just too personal, I guess, and it probably wouldn't make you change back to add sand again, I would think. Same with the skimmer.
If you keep a sharp eye on your system you'll find your answers in the long run.

1) SAND:
Live sand contributes a lot to the area of the bio-filtration and the aspect of any marine aquarium. I personally tried for many times bare bottom, pebbles and sand. There is no question that those systems with live sand were the most stable, rich in life and also the most natural looking ones. I just had an experience with that last year. So I wouldn't remove the sand again. No way.
I also like the oolitic aragonite the best, but I had other types of substrate and most of them will do a great job. I don't like silica based substrates.

I do not believe that any of the organisms we keep would do better without a good skimmer running. Basically the skimmer will remove those isolated impurities on micro-bubbles 24/7, and keep the tank more stable. Also, when there is any dead organism the skimmer will help to keep the tank in shape.
When I do my partial water change with natural seawater the skimmer helps to remove any excess of organics or dead bacteria.
To consolidate the skimmer's importance just think about that dark gunk, as filthy as it is, not being removed daily and consequently accumulating, instead...

The best aquariums in the world I've seen all had a nice sand bed and a skimmer.

This was a very simple way I found to explain to my kids what skimmers and sand beds are for.

I like to use carbon slightly to help keep the stability of water clarity. I think that is important, so between water changes we have no problems with the yellow/green appearance of the water, changing the spectrum. GAC will remove organics and help keep an algae free tank, avoiding the use of those GFOs that so many of us had problems keeping zoas and corals. GAC also helps coralline algae to thrive.

Nothing against it. Had mine for many years. Last year I had a system with 2 Aquablue Specials and 6 Blue Plus bulbs. Great bulbs!!! Matter of Taste.

Unnecessary, but sometimes useful. Nothing against it. It would be something else to change bulbs every year. Never had UV in any of my salt/fresh water systems. It doesn't hurt, but you should keep an eye for leaks and remember to change the bulbs. Not a big deal. The UV will help a lot to keep algae down and perhaps avoid parasites infestations. I prefer to do quarantine organisms for parasites and do NOT introduce them in the first place.
I think there are lots of bacteria that need to move in our system and corals/zoas will have some benefit from those. Without the UV they can circulate through the system and offer a more natural environment, not too sterile.
UV is an excellent tool for fish only tanks if you do maintenance services.

Not rules, just my perspective.
Waiting for others...

PS.: You should consider to glue some zoas on those pipes.

Looks sweet bro! Forgive me but i dont have time to read back right now but do you have any fish in there?

We are using uv now and i havent noticed too much difference. But i am not sure if the flow rate through it is correct since its just a valve hooked up to the return.
With the skimmer side, i have seen both types of tanks look amazing so its up to you and your bioload/filtration techs in my opinion.
I don't know much either my friend, so no worries. I used to concern myself with names more, but now it's more about what I like and what I wana attempt to grow. Name or "high end" no longer matter to me.

So maybe they are sunflowers, couldn't tell ya lol
And just to add, I've never gone without a skimmer and when all else was well, my zoas and palys always did well. So I went back to the skimmer today. I don't know what I was thinking. And the sand has only been like two days and it's all in another tank, so if I want to I can just add more back. I really want the bio filtration to be up, I kinda waivered from that. Getting a bunch of established live rock for my sump tonite as well, so that should help with some time.