Need a chiller!Fast!


Where's The Reef?
Hey guys, my Air in my house went out and I just can't keep my tank cool on the heated environment its in.Does anyone know of a place or person I can get one from by this evening.Tank was 90 degrees last I checked this morning.Im scared to look now...
I've got one you can use, and I'll be home by 6 pm. call me at 901 483 7103. Be careful however, so as not to take the temp down too quickly. that will kill stuff for sure. I would bring the tank down no more than 2 degrees per day.
You could always throw some frozen bottles of water in the sump and replace them as they thaw. I did that during the hurricanes here in FL. I didn't have chillers and my generator was only big enough to run pumps and the fridge/freezer. Everything lived and was nice and cool. Except me in the non air conditioned house for nine days.

Thank you for the reply, much appreciated.I am thankful to say that no later than I posted this the Air was fixed and the tank is slowly cooling.


I was doing that the best I could, but due to my college schedule I couldn't be there enough to stop it from rising, it escalated quickly that's for sure!Thank you for the reply though!

Thanks again,