Need a fish autopsy.


New member
I lost my red-fin fairy wrasse today. A few days ago I noticed a bulging behind his eye. He was eating fine and acting normally. This morning, he succumbed and passed. Here are some photos. Any idea what this could have been? It looked like a sore at first and I assumed it was from some territorial scrimmaging.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Will be more than happy to do that.
Looks like a growth.
Maybe viral vs neoplastic.
I can always biopsy the mass and send it to the pathologist for review if you REALLY want to know.
Will be more than happy to do that.
Looks like a growth.
Maybe viral vs neoplastic.
I can always biopsy the mass and send it to the pathologist for review if you REALLY want to know.

Interesting thought Doc- What would that entail money $$$ wise?
Gotta get back to you in that one.
I know that the lab charges me 120$ per sample.
Might be able to talk them to give me a deal but who knows.
If anyone is interested I can help you out.
Doc, thank you for the offer. Unfortunately the fish got flushed!!!!

Any thoughts on what this may have been just from looking at the pictures? I think the ruby headed fairy wrasse has a similar sore on its side, just not as bumpy. I tried to catch it yesterday evening, but couldn't.
Ive actually seen that before. Wen i used to work in a aquarium fish wholesale business, the fire eels used to get it all the time (freshwater). We never did figure out what it was but we did figure out that it was always fatal n it happened within a few days...

But yes it does look like the herp...