Need Advice: Building a 8'x8'x2' Pond


Active member
Im looking to build a 8' x 8' x 2' pond that will house my corals and then some. I am debating using wood with a sealer or using fiber glass. Any help and experience anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated.
Plywood w/epoxy? Might end up being cheaper to do fiberglass rather than epoxy over the plywood. There was someone on a build recently who used some rather thick mil pond liner material for a shark/ray tank.....

Now, that's gonna be a heckuva pond! how are you going to view it? Just from the top down?
ok, no laughing at my drawing, but this is the start of what I would like to do:


I want to have fake rock around this thing and have one viewing panel in the front. Also, there will be a waterfall/surge on the left side as well as a fiberglass tree in which the lighting will hang from. Does this seem a bit extreme? :) My buddy just told me he thinks I fell off the rocker with this one...
Where can I find the fiberglass material at?

a fiberglass company. you could google fiberglass boat builders in your area and maybe have them build the "pond" you want. i dont know where to get the indedivdual fiberglass strips to make the pond yourself but i do know it will be messy.