Need advice for a friend.


New member
I've got a friend with a 29 bio cube. They recently got into corals and have amassed nice little selection of LPS and softies with a few montipora sprinkled in.

Knowing that I am in the hobby they asked me what they should do for the lighting upgrade. I have no idea what to tell them.

Knowing there are several bio cube users on this forum I thought I would ask here. Any recommendations?

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I don't own a biocube but there are a few companies that sell retrofit LEDs if they still have/want the hood

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Definitely an led retro. Mine was RapidLED but I imagine any would be fine. I've also seen people stuff a radion in a biocube but not sure I'd do that.
Need advice for a friend.

Thank you all very much. They have a nice setup and a good collection going. Just needs some more light...

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