need advice on newly fragged open brain


180 gl. reef tank
Premium Member
Hi there, I received a newly fragged open brain or meat coral at the Anthony Calfo event. I've had it on the bottom of my BB tank for over a week now. It's not doing much. What care should I give it and where should I place it in the tank, and when? Thanks.
ya know i read alot, and i read somewheres in shimeks book that brains need moderate lighting, i find that not to be true but lots of lighting it will open,, sometimes it takes 2 weeks like mine did, with light to moderate flow....then again mine b/c of the cycling isssues with my tank...but it was alive for a year that i had it doing great under very intense light.....i miss my
give it some time to heal up... Keep it in good moderate flow and feed in the dead of night, you'll see feeding tentacles after lights out...
Feed, fresh shrimp mush even just the juice is helpful...
and above all... please do not move it. It is one of the single most stressful things you can do to any recently acquired coral, and may well sign the death warrant of a stressed (imported, propagation, whatever) specimen.

They exert a considerable amount of energy to adjust to changes in lighing, water flow, etc.

Its quite important to estimate a good place to put new coral in the first time and do not move them after that.

If you have some lingtering nitrates and any decent bioload of fishes/corals that are getting fed... then target feeding of this brain coral is not necessary for some weeks. Do just let it heal in place and later (months) begin feeding fine meaty foods such as mysids after it begins to put out feeding tentacles.

kindly, Anthony