need advice on upgrading my skimmer....


New member
I have aprox 350G of actual water in system. The 280G DT is mostly fish for now and will add more corals slowly as I figure out what the fish wont eat :0)

The system has been set up for about 8 months and I have been batteling hair algae for the last month or two. I have raised up the mag to 1600 to see if what I have is debersia or bryopsis.

Flow in the tank is:
about 1000GPH thru 2 penductors + added penductor flow
about 3200GPH thru Dart CL
skimmer is DAS EX-2

I know i need to upgrade my skimmer and not sure what is working for everyone else. I am not sure what my price range is but am looking at:
ATI bubble master
orca reeflo

I have the reeflo, and I really have to say its worth its weight in gold.

Ive been running it for 3 months or so and have yet to experience any issues with it.

I run the deltec AP702, thing cleans like it for the $... easy to tune and i run 0zone through it....400g + sps system, 0 nitrates. Best of luck to ya, realize that theres a ton of skimmers out there, but you can only choose one.... BM, Reeflo,Deltec, HS ect.... are at the top of the game, i like them all just got a good buy on a deltec.

I have read that the reeflo can overflow?
Is yours in sump design?
Has yours over flowed yet ?
Was it tricky to set up ?
mine has overflowed yes, a few days ago, but that was due to me turning the overflo pipe to the closed position by mistake...totally my fault.

Other than that, for me, its been fine.

Mine is not in sump (the pump is not submersible)

Very easy to set up.

I have the BM250 and really like it. It should easily handle your tank and, at $750, it wa a pretty good deal for a large tank skimmer. More skimming will help reduce the algae but the best thing that you can do is to run Phosban (or some equivalent) IMHO.
I'm running a Euroreef RC1000 on about a 350 gal system now. I still have bryopsis and hair algea in small patches.