Need advice refinishing a tank stand...


New member
Hello, all!

I bought a used 180 gallon tank for a phenomenal price, but the stand doesn't match my decor. I plan to refinish it in a matte (flat) black. Let's just say that I'm not the most handy person, so I could definitely use some advice...

I know a few of you guys are pretty experienced in this department. Any suggestions?

i did mine a gloss black and it didnt come out too bad.

If you can get a hold of a automotive or HLVP gravity spray gun, that would be best. and use a urathane automotive type paint, most are self leveling.

Sand your stand with 220 grit, and then 3-400 grit really smooth.

I used Black laucquer spray paint in cans, and top coated with a clear coat.

but flat would be alot easier and would hide more. Try sanding 1 side of your stand and try some flat spray paint and see if thats the results you are looking for. That would be the easiest route and probably cheapest. Just dont buy the .99 stuff.