Need fish suggestions..

True Percula

New member
As you all know i have a 29gallon reef tank with 2 black clownfishes. I am wondering what fishes would be great for my 29gallon i want more than 2 fishes in my tank. Please help me and probably name some fishes to give me an idea what to buy.Thanks
hey richard, honestly, more fish at the moment will only complicate your tank right now.

My suggestion before adding, would be to purchase a hang on back skimmer, add about 15-20lbs more liverock, and run a phosban reactor hanging. id also do a few big water changes with pure RO/DI saltwater.

from there on in, once everything is good. i think a longnose hawkfish, and or a 6 line wrasse would be very cool additions that would add a ton of personality.
I echo bawla. You'll want more cleaning power. Your own ro/di source would be good. Re phosban, it's better to clean up your algae by limiting feeding and increasing inverts. A bad situation has a way of staging an end run around chemical solutions, the week you're on a trip or otherwise prevented.

For fish suggestions, try going to one of our sponsors like Foster/Smith and look at nano-fish. They fit in small spaces and behave pretty well. My own favorites are the gobies, who have attitude enough but rarely bite.