Need Help Clownfish look sick


New member
Not sure what could be wrong with both my clownfish. it almost looks like they are losing scales? both clownfish, i have a black and an orange, are looking pale like they are losing color. i have looked at all clownfish diseases and cant find one that looks similar to this. Nothing has changed, i have had these clownfish for close to 3 years. they are eating just fine. i do 5 gallon water changes weekly but have upped it this week once i saw them looking like that. i did a 10 gallon on friday and a 5 gallon yesterday. i thought maybe something was wrong with my water quality. They looked a bit better but today once again i noticed them looking worse. does anyone know what could be wrong and what should i do.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_0514.jpg"/></a>
I would drop a couple of Poly Filters in and see what they tell you. If both fish are sick then its almost sure to be water. The poly filters will not only tell you if something odd is there, but also remove it.
Looks like the corals are OK so I would say it's a sickness. Added anything to the tank within the past couple months?

I would think you need to get them in quarantine and treat them. Not sure with what...
nothing new in the tank. i have a blue chromis and a bangaii cardinal that are doing fine. all my corals are doing great. my tank is a 30 gallon with live rock and sand and a mp10. Took this picture a few weeks back and everything was fine and still looks the same. only difference is the clowns.
Maybe this is crazy but that looks like where a coral was touching it maybe the two clowns are hosting something that bothers them ? Since they are the only effected fish I wouldn't go all crazy disturbing the fish and tank adding and removing the fish and stressing them out ...Maybe just feed some medicated fish food from your LFS and keep an eye on the tank and the tank mates you might do more damage to the ecosystem
My black clown of 8 years had pop eye a few months ago I just fed her normal food and it went away in a few days.
Maybe this is crazy but that looks like where a coral was touching it maybe the two clowns are hosting something that bothers them ? Since they are the only effected fish I wouldn't go all crazy disturbing the fish and tank adding and removing the fish and stressing them out ...Maybe just feed some medicated fish food from your LFS and keep an eye on the tank and the tank mates you might do more damage to the ecosystem

thanks will try that.
Update. Day after i posted i went on vacation. Did a 50% water change before i left. While away my sister emailed me that my black clown died. Got back monday night did another 50% water change. Everything looked ok other clown was eating fine so was bangaii and chromis. Well last night my bangaii jumped out and the clown died. Not sure what is going on. All corals are ok with exception of a birdnest and one acro which are stn. My red planet monti and other birdnest are all ok. My anemones are good and so are all my soft and lps corals. I have a little bit of cyano but after the water change its gone. My test kit are api and everything seems ok no ammonia nitrite my nitrates are around 5-10ppm. Alk id 9dkh and calcium is 460. Ima take a sample to my lfs and see if they have any different test kits.

Really stumped as to what could be happening. Have had tank close to 3 years with all the same fish. And never had anything like this happen.
Fish jumping is a possible sign of stray electrical leakage in the tank and may be the culprit to the clowns problems too. Especially for a Bangaii to jump. I've never seen mine move faster than a snails pace unless there's food in the water. You can search for the proper technique using a volt meter.
Will check that. Thanks. The only piece of equipment i have in the tank would be the heater bc the mp10 is on the outside.
Even lights have been known to throw voltage into a tank. I'm not sure that's it, just a possibility. The fish definitely didn't look healthy. If you don't find the culprit and there's no other fish in the tank you may want to go fallow for a while.

Do you run a UV? I'm a big fan. Most fish can fight off any disease when healthy and getting the proper nutrition, but your tank may have been compromised all along but they were able to fight it off until it became overwhelming or something happened to weaken their immune system. While a UV is not a cure it most certainly keeps parasites, harmful bacteria and Protozoa from reaching plague numbers, if setup up properly.