Hi there, I bought an In-100 skimmer from you guys a few months back wit just to hold me over until this tank comes down before the move. With what little time I have left with the 75 gallon there is one final experiment that I want to try.
I am a huge fan of the IN series body, but since I will more than likely be running zeovit on my next system, I will be wanting to stray away from any needle/pin wheel designs. So for the moment I want to attempt to convert my IN-100 in a skimmer that is powered by a Mazzei Style, venturi injected skimmer. In order to do this though, I need to know the gph rate of the pump that comes with the In100, or what it is usually replaced with, I don't want to overpower the skimmer body and render it ineffective.
I am a huge fan of the IN series body, but since I will more than likely be running zeovit on my next system, I will be wanting to stray away from any needle/pin wheel designs. So for the moment I want to attempt to convert my IN-100 in a skimmer that is powered by a Mazzei Style, venturi injected skimmer. In order to do this though, I need to know the gph rate of the pump that comes with the In100, or what it is usually replaced with, I don't want to overpower the skimmer body and render it ineffective.