Need Help converting In-100 skimmer


New member
Hi there, I bought an In-100 skimmer from you guys a few months back wit just to hold me over until this tank comes down before the move. With what little time I have left with the 75 gallon there is one final experiment that I want to try.

I am a huge fan of the IN series body, but since I will more than likely be running zeovit on my next system, I will be wanting to stray away from any needle/pin wheel designs. So for the moment I want to attempt to convert my IN-100 in a skimmer that is powered by a Mazzei Style, venturi injected skimmer. In order to do this though, I need to know the gph rate of the pump that comes with the In100, or what it is usually replaced with, I don't want to overpower the skimmer body and render it ineffective.

You will want a pump that is in the 500gph range, such as Mag500 or similar. The IN pump is not near this, but that's due to design, as pinwheels / needlewheels just don't push a ton of water. To run a Mazzei style venturi you need the flow to pull the air, as you only pull as much air as what the flow rate of water is that's going through the venturi.
Would pressure rated be too much for the body? I don't want to shell out the extra for an external if I don't have too, I just got a mag 9.5 from you guys the other day I'm wondering if I could tee off the excess that I don't need already to run it.
The Mag9.5 would be just fine, just make sure both outlets are ball valved so that you can control the flow going to both areas.
Just thought I would throw this out there, I got my mag 9.5 I ordered 2 days earlier than expected, once again I remember why I use you guys