I am also starting a 180g.... before even buying the tank though, I called Paul at Ocean Motions today....because I plan on using a 4way...my tank will be 50-70%SPS and rest clams, zoos, etc.
For a standard 180 (72x24x24), he recommended the following for flow:
1)2 3/4in returns coming from inside the overflow, up and over and pushing water straight down...
2)2 holes drilled in the back (1 on each side of the overflow) 1in size for closed loop...
3) Another 2 holes as follows:
- For a bare bottom tank, they can be 1inch at back of the tank like the 2 other closed loops, so youd have 2 holes on either side of the overflow.
- For a sand bottom, you'd put those two holes on the front bottom of the tank, and have them angled up (45deg) and towards top of the tank.
So the 2 return lines would be fed by a return pump (you are shooting here for a turnover of about 5times tank size, rest of the flow will come from closed loop) and pump water straight down the tank through rocks etc....
The closed loops would then push the water forward to front of the tank...and then water would either hit front glass and get shot up to top of tank (Bare bottom) or the 2 holes in front would go on and push water up the tank through corals and to overflow.
I will have a glass tank and dont want to drill the bottom, and I am still thinking about whether to go barebottom or not.
For heaters, I am planning on a couple of 250w ebo jagers.
My controller will be a Aquacontroller III.
I have a Korallin 3002 calcium reactor that will be controlled by the aquacontroller.
My closed loop pump will be a sequence reeflo dart.
I plan on my lighting to consist of 3 x 250HQI DE MH and then supplement that with some T5 HO, mostly for a dusk/dawn effect.
I have ordered the Reef Octopus 3000 skimmer and it will be inline, not in sump.
For sump, I am planning on a 100gal acrylic sump...not sure yet how water will flow through it...but part of it will be the refugium.
Last, I also plan on adding a frag tank to the system, so water from sump will get pushed up to a frag tank and then come back down to sump...the plumbing and filtration will be in my garage and pipiing will go through the wall to room where tank will be.
I bought 2 55gal containers to hold my RODI and saltwater... I plan on making water changes as automated as I can ...I currently spend around 2hrs to clean and do water changes for my tank, and I want this to be more like 10-15mins...I know many on here have done this.
I'll tag along for the info anyone else wants to give...and post some of my progress on here as well if you wish.