Need Help Identifying Coral


New member
I got this frag from Jay. Don't remember if he told me what it was called.

I've been searching and I haven't found anything on it.


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GSPs for sure, i just added a little frag to mine, looks nice like neon grass after its out, you should have seen kevins tank.
Hey man how are you doing? they are green star polyps

I'm good. A friend of mine liked the xenia and I ended up getting in contact with Jay. I went over last night and he was more than generous. He offered me a whole bunch of coral. Got some xenia for my friend's tank, some zoas, kenya trees, that green star polyp, and I think a toadstool mushroom.

We added some of the Xenia and zoas to my friends nano and the rest went in mine. Kind of a big addition, but I've been keeping up with the water changes.

I do think I'm starting to get what I thought was some kind of brown hair algae but it looks more like red slime. I'm fearing its cyanobacteria. Been doing small water changes daily and it has been narrowed down to the corners and the back of the tank. We'll see how it continues.

Suggestions anyone?

+1 search for coral weed!!! :)

yep they are really nice and when they start growing you can start glueing them on things you want to hide like tubes & pumps, or you can just let them run wild

This is a pic of Kevin's tank and they looked nice the way they grew in his tank.( it is the green mat you see on the left of the pic)


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do you have a power head in the tank? Are you feeding the tank? Dosing the tank?

There can be several of reasons why you are getting cyano.

1. New tank not done with its cycle
2. not enough water flow in the tank.
3 very high nutrients due to feeding or dosing. you have to go light on the food in a pico and dont dose anything into a pico. water changes are sufficient to replenish what corals have used up

They call them weeds because they spread fast
do you have a power head in the tank? Are you feeding the tank? Dosing the tank?

There can be several of reasons why you are getting cyano.

1. New tank not done with its cycle

Possibly. Been up for a few months tho.

2. not enough water flow in the tank.

No powerhead. Not enough room. I think the filter creates enough flow. I'll post a vid later.

3 very high nutrients due to feeding or dosing. you have to go light on the food in a pico and dont dose anything into a pico. water changes are sufficient to replenish what corals have used up

Feeding every 2 - 3 days. No dosing. Doing weekly water changes. Now daily to see if it controls the "cyano".

They call them weeds because they spread fast

I see.
sounds good, keep it up. and keep an eye on it it should slowly start going away. If it doesnt then you have to start looking into you water source and your light time. You will be fine, good job dude.
Look at pnavarros thread on cleaner crew. This should help out with the cyano. I saw the cyano right away on the side of the GSP frag. And yes, they are commonly referred to as "coral weed".
Look at pnavarros thread on cleaner crew. This should help out with the cyano. I saw the cyano right away on the side of the GSP frag. And yes, they are commonly referred to as "coral weed".

+1 i was about to say

Read the thread over again. I do have two hermits in there that have done a decent job. When the tank was initially set up some green hair algae began to grow. I added the two hermits and they trimmed everything in no time.

Now, I think I will keep up with the water changes and siphon the sand in parts. Shouldn't take me long since its not the biggest tank. Ha!
whats the stuff in the middle. is that dead or alive?

I really don't know how to describe it. It's live rock I guess. My friend has one of those nanos that have the built in overflow in the back then it's sectioned of with a small refugium. He had that piece in there with rubble. It was at the very bottom and I don't think it had been exposed to light. He let me have it. I liked the way it looked. It's light and it almost feels like it's bone. Doesn't have much of the live rock feel.
Heres a closer picture of what the GSP will look like once grown out. Also if you have good light and water params it grows like crazy. So make sure its on a rock that you dont mind having it on. I have mine isolated in the sand so it doesnt grow every where!!!! Love it though, good luck!!!

To show the growth of it in my tank the first pic was of it about a month ago and the second is as of a day ago!! its spreading across the sand now

Heres a closer picture of what the GSP will look like once grown out. Also if you have good light and water params it grows like crazy. So make sure its on a rock that you dont mind having it on. I have mine isolated in the sand so it doesnt grow every where!!!! Love it though, good luck!!!

To show the growth of it in my tank the first pic was of it about a month ago and the second is as of a day ago!! its spreading across the sand now


Really like the way it turns out. Yours looks great. :)