Need help making frag plugs


New member
Does anyone have any forms/trays for making frag plugs that I can borrow or buy?
If not, does anyone know where I could get them?
I've been looking all over and haven't found anybody that carries them.
Do people make their own?
I'm going to be doing some sidewalk repairs this weekend and will probably have a bunch of concrete left over and want to put it to good use.
I've seen people just using plastic Solo cups and just pouring a little cement to get a disk like plug, this seems to work pretty good, There are some very interesting articles in the DIY forum.
why not use mini cupcake tin for the disk portion and get ridgid airline tubing, cut a small piece and sick it in the set cement like a popsicle.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11738576#post11738576 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
There are some very interesting articles in the DIY forum.

What?... wait a minute... you mean there's OTHER forums here?!?

Seriously, I just experienced a moron moment.:lol:

The kind of plugs I'd like to make are the "peg type" that have a small round disk with a slightly smaller base (about 1" long) that fits down inside the holes of eggcrate sheets.

That's a pretty creative idea, Jess. I might use a variation on that theme if I can't find what I'm looking for.

Thanks, Matt, I've ordered them from Ebay too, but since I'm going to have a bunch of concrete already mixed up I figured I'd do something useful with the leftovers instead of letting it go to waste.

Now I'm off to go "discover" these other forums of which you speak.
Take a baby bottle nipple and pour the the mix in.
The shape of the nipple should fit in eggcrate.
You fill up the nipple end first (obviously) then the more you fill pass the plug section the bigger the diameter at the end it becomes...hence the disk section.

I saw this somewhere, and it looked pretty good.
hehe mel said nipple :p

I always just use the pre-made ones. $15 for 50. It's waaaaay too complicated to make your own. Just like making your own rock. All that concrete and curing and etcetcetc. Sorry, I don't have the patience... I guess it's more time to watch the corals grow, but meh.
The point is that I'm going to have the concrete already mixed up and if I don't do something with the leftover it's just going in the trash.
Ah, that makes more sense then. Sorry, I missed that above. I'm trying to think of molds that you could use. Eggcrate crossed my mind, perhaps making a double layer of eggcrate, but I think that because they're not perfectly straight (they're angled to diffuse light) they might not come out as desired. You could use the bottom of an egg carton to make small mounds, then just invert them when they go in the tank, so the flat side is down, and the coral can be mounted to the top... same could be done with ice cube trays in theory...