Need help on acroporas SPS..I inherited a what

Absolutely agree that you should sell or donate asap. It is amazing how quick some SPS can melt away. My tank is over 2 years old and I've been struggling to keep SPS coral frags alive throughout this time. My tank and my knowledge are just now getting to the point where I can get SPS to grow. Please don't take offense to these suggestions. I don't think anyone on this forum woke up one morning and became an SPS keeper. It takes time and dedication to reach the level of knowledge to be successful.
Hi Ninjatech,

I'm going to disagree with some people here and say keep the SPS and use this as an opportunity to learn as much as possible! Once you get the SPS fever you will view fish as just fertilizers for your coral garden. Your bank account will hate me for saying this.

Go to the SPS forum and spend a few hours reading.

Your corals will likely not do well, definitely turn brown and some might die. Anyone saying they had success with SPS right off the bat is either lying or got incredibly lucky.

SPS coral love stability! Do not change ANYTHING fast (except getting better lights and flow ASAP).

you WILL need:

High output lights, T5, LED or metal Halides. I would say LED are probably the easiest if you are new.

High intermittent flow, either from wavemakers or powerheads set to alternating modes (look up the Gyre 150, one could be enough for your tank).

Test kits for alkalinity (DKH), nitrates, phosphates, calcium and magnesium at the very least!

You ultimately want your nitrates and phosphates as low as possible. Nitrates in the less than 5ppm range and phosphates in the 0.05ppm range would be a decent goal. You will need a powerful protein skimmer, what are you running now?

Over the last few years a lot of people have been running ULNS (Ultra low nutrient system) tanks and have been getting great success with SPS, you would then need to have some form of carbon dosing and powerful protein skimmers and would be aiming for nitrates in the 0-1ppm range and phosphates 0-0.02 ish range. Google "ULNS" and "vodka dosing" and start reading. I personally run Zeovit.

Measure DKH and VERY SLOWLY adjust it to target range, either 8-9ish or 7-8is if ULNS. Measure calclium and SLOWLY raise it to 420ish ppm. To start off I would recommend manual dosing of a two part solution. (google B-ionic). Most SPS tankers never measure pH. DKH is the key.

Keep your salinity rock steady (auto-top off), most SPS tankers prefer the high range around 1.024-1.025.

Check your magnesium and try to keep it at 1250-1350ppm if possible.

Ask plenty of questions! There is not a single way to do this and different people have had great results with different approaches. I am sure some people will disagree with some of the numbers I have posted and by no means do I presume to have all the right answers, those are just things I have seen work for others/experienced working for me. Above all stay curious and get ready to spend a lot of energy/resources/time/(money) getting this to work, SPS is in my opinion the hardest and most rewarding to keep.

Hope this helps!

Yes you are best to sell them to someone else your tank is not even close to ready to have SPS you will kill them soon. SPS require a very stable Calcium Alk and Mag
Your lighting is barely adequate for LPS let alone SPS. You would need to upgrade your lighting and add either a calcium reactor or dosing system to maintain a constant calcium and Alk levels.
You are best to just keep the LPS but your tank needs better lighting just for them too.
an they need good Calcium and alk too but they are less dependent on constant levels.

Ditto that..yeah if you think you can't keep it..
rather sell it before it's too late.~
Wow I just realized you have a pre-made tank with all the equipment integrated.

It might be very difficult to upgrade all the equipment to the level you would need for SPS, not impossible but very difficult.

Red Sea Max C130 can keep SPS. Look for it on internet or ask at the ReD Sea Max forum on Reef Sanctuary.

As has been said many times. Chemistry and stability will decide now if these SPS survive more than light. Flow can be increased by just adding an extra pump.

All the best !!!