Need help picking out 20K bulb


New member
My current set up is 2x400W 12K reeflux driven by PFO HQI ballast and 2x80W 420nm T5 actinic. I am looking at 20K bulbs and would like to hear input before I purchase. I am leaning towards the Radium as of now. Growth is not all that important to me at this time.

since you've got the hqi ballasts i say go with the radiums if you can afford changing bulbs every six months or so. I'd be interested to see/hear how they compare to the 12k reeflux
Thanks! I change bulbs every 3-4 months so I'll be O.K.

BTW here is a FTS with the 12KRF

The HQI radiums will be less blue than your tank is now. They are more white when driven with HQI ballasts. Incidentally XM's have less par on the HQI ballast than on a M59. On my next change I may try XM's on an m59. They have a little less par but are bluer than HQI radiums.

Honestly is your after color its hard to beat 12k Reeflux
Go for the Radium's, but make sure you raise your lights a few inches. It will bleach your corals with a quickness due to the PAR output.

I have dual 400's over my 180.
Who makes the Radiums? I can't seem to find the manufacturer's website or an online vendor who sells them.
Thanks for all the input.

Rokle - My lights are mounted to the top of my canopy so raising the lights will not be an option. If I shorten the photo period will this keep the corals from bleaching?
I'm really new to MH, so honestly I can't answer that question. I do know of people that couldn't adjust height (don't know if they adjusted photo period) that had the issue. I can tell you, I currently don't have any of my SPS frags above the middle of my tank and my lights are at 12".
If you cant raise your lights put a couple of pieces of window screen between your lights and your tank. Then just remove the screen a sheet at a time over a couple weeks.
Just buy some black window screen at a hardware store. They sell it in rolls as replacement material. BTW-- the Ushio 20K is a beautiful bulb.
If you switch out your bulbs every 3-4 months, consider donating your used bulbs to a LFS. I'm sure some local reefers would burn them an additional 2-3 months for you. When I had Radium, I switched mine out every 6 months. With my Reeflux 12K, I can push it to 9 months. If you don't mind changing your bulbs, I would definitely go with Radium. In my experience, they are the best bulb for colors. Your orange cap will be a nice deep red under them.