Need help plumbing 3 tanks together


New member
Hello -

I'm looking for some guidance on how to plumb my setup.

I attached a picture of what I'd like to do, only difference being - I want to install a frag tank underneath the refugium in the stand.

I'm looking to maximize effiency by avoiding the refugium overflow being recirculated back to itself.

Adding the 3rd smaller tank (frag tank) would obviously need to be connected to the sump underneath the main display.

I've searched but can't seem to find any diagrams that would be similar.


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I had 2 tanks with a hole drilled in the side glass like a bulkhead connected with pvc pipe you could do that and have your return pump at the opposite end so your returns from both tanks mix before your skimmer and then return to upper tanks with your gate valve to control flow

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