need help with 180 gallon heat problems


New member
i have a 180 gallon in my house plumbed into garage that contains 250 gallon sump, 150 gallon refugium, 88 gallon resevoir, 44 gallon cryptic zone, 40 gallon qt tank all plumbed together

i dont run a chiller i use a deltec eco cooler(swamp cooler that uses fans) and use 3 other fans as well, ive been trying to keep my tank at 81 but the problem is it gets too hot and humid which makes my fans and eco cooler useless and i am really getting nervous as summer approaches

ive talked to ppl and they thought a dehumidifier might not be enough and im not sure venting is an option since i live in a townhome and the way my house is built

i decided to not even strive for 81 and set my fans to kick on at 84 instead

now the big question i need opinions on this......
i am contemplating adding a 650 gallon resevoir tank in the garage????? now in my mind it wont work but my lfs is telling me water doesnt get as hot as the air around but wont it get just as hot just a little slower?? how much can this help??
Is the eco cooler in the garage? I thought they should be placed outside because of the humidity build up in an enclosed space. How hot does your garage get?

I think a dehumidifier would defeat the purpose of having a eco cooler. If you are willing to add the electrical costs of running the dehumidifier then I would just get a chiller.

Not real sure about the reservoir, I would think it just gives you more surface area for evaporation, which you don't need.

yes in the garage, dont think i can plumb it outside, and i dunno how hot my garage gets, yea i dont want a dehumidifier since i feel im defeating the purpose of the deltec eco cooler which was a waste of money
but the resevoir shouldnt add to evaporation because it will be inclosed