Need help with an ad


Premium Member
I have been in contact with the webmaster of Reefkeeping Online Magazine. We can get an ad for the frag swap but we need a banner and some nicely worded correctly spelled text. The spelling part knocks me our of the running. LOL Any volunteers? Here is a link to the site so you get an idea of what he wants.
The banner looks good. He just wants a banner graphic and then a nice text write up though. This is what I have so far. Format doesn't display like the original. Suggestions Welcome.


The West Tennessee Marine & Reef Aquarium Club will be holding their first annual West Tennessee Regional Frag Swap.
• When: Saturday, September 22, 2007 10:00 - 4:00 CDT Seller setup opens at 7:00
• Where: AgriCenter International, 7777 Walnut Grove, Memphis Tn 38120
• Cost: $3 Admission which includes door prize ticket, $10 or a frag for a sellers table. If you plan on selling please RSVP to reserve a table.
Don't miss out on a great chance to win one of the many items donated by our generous sponsors:

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Richard, I like your banner with the moving letters, but because of the very close up nature of the image, I'm having a hard time identifying it to anything marine.
WOOHOO!!!! I has mad graphic making skilz!!! Anyone catch why it would be important for Sanford Carson to like it?
I'm a little confused about the $3. Includes raffle ticket - yes. Includes $10 and a frag from someone's table??
If you need anymore banners for advertising the can use any of these, or I can make more.






Sorry...I just love making banners.
I know my grammar is bad but I have read it a couple of times and to me it reads
$3 for admission which includes a door prize ticket

$10 or a frag for a sellers table
No diss on any one's grammar. I'm just confused.

What does $10 or a frag for a sellers table mean?

Is the door prize that the raffle ticket is for $10 or a frag?

What does a frag for a seller's table mean? We bring one or do we mean one from a seller's table?

If it means that the prize is a frag from a seller's table, are all people bringing frags willing to donate which ever coral, no matter how valuable, to us as a door prize of someone's choosing?

Or does it mean that to gain admittance you're supposed to bring a frag for a seller's table.

Sorry if I seem ignorant. I've never been to a frag swap and don't know how it's done.
LOL Your way over thinking this.

The cost of admission is $3. For that $3 the person will receive admission to the event and a ticket for the door prize drawings.

The cost of a table to be used by a seller is $10. If the seller so chooses she/he may donate a frag of at least $10 in value in lieu of paying the $10 cash. Any frag donated in this way will become a prize which will be given away in the drawings.

Although I think a frag given to the president (me) should also cover the table fee but........
Scott - what do you think about any of the new posters/banners? Is this what you are looking for? I thought you could post the posters and/or banners on threads in other clubs' forums, and link the picture to our thread about the swap.